Sunday, December 09, 2012


Updates and iPhones

Yes, its been a long time and a couple of Apple products since I posted in this blog.

It's been great to review the posts and review what was going on in my life, and how much has changed.

The children are more grown up, and the house is quieter. One has gone away, come back, and gone again. One has a job, and another is at college. There are some problems, and life is still busy. It's much more positive than 2007

I'm still a special school nurse, but now have responsibility for two schools. It's busy and challenging, and I'm looking forward to finishing!

I'm writing this on a Macbook air, after my trusty white Macbook died. It was sold for parts and hopefully recycled. My iPhone vanished one Tuesday morning, and never returned. I could ring it and then it went to answer phone. The only explanation I can give is that it dropped into the bin, and got took out with the rubbish, and then got crushed in the bin lorry. So i went off and bought a shiny new Iphone 4S from the good phone at the Apple Store Solihull. I took a deep breath and paid the price

Would I upgrade to the IPhone 5? It's a great phone, but like all Apple products it's an incremental improvement on the last one. I also know that there's an Iphone 5S and a 6 on their way. I will get another iPhone, but it would hopefully be in a couple of years time.

Unless I lose it .....

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