Thursday, June 29, 2006


Films and Children

Last night I took my youngest two children to the Cinema at our local arts centre to see a documentary. We saw "Wal Mart- the High cost of low price". It is a hard hitting critique of the American Supermarket Giant's practices and policies; not the kind of things that you expect a 10 and a 13 year old to see. They sat quiet and attentive all the way through a film without special effects, explosions or any stars. It can be done! We decided following the film to boycott ASDA from now.

I remember going to the cinema at a similar age. My local community hall had a children's film club called the "Double LL club". It had its own song, the words of which I can still remember, and can still sing the song if encouraged too. It seemed to specialise in Children's film foundation films which were cheesy even in the 1970's and are probably quite "cool now". One Saturday we had the Battle of Britain, and I can remember the Germans getting resoundely booded during one of the scenes when London was being bombed.

I take my eldest daughter as well. We have a great time, we chat about lots of different subjects and when she is quite sure that no one she knows is watching we hold hands. We have seen a few films together including Brokeback Mountain and Walk the Line.

I hope that they will love cinema as much as I do. Watching a film seems much less of an event with small screens at multiplexes and films being available on TV within months of cinema release (and in the case of pirate DVD's days) Part of the thrill is it being a shared event

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006


First one of these blog thingys

Hi there. I have never kept a diary but I think I will give this a go.

What to talk about. I have an average life and don't seem to do much. I have 3 children a wife and a morgage. We have been married over 20 years and seem to be happy. I have more of a fat stomach than I used to. Some people say its contentment.... I say its too much Cadbury's chocolate!

Life is a round of work, kids, tidying up and sleeping.

Who is this designed for? I'm not vain enough to think that anyone will be interested. However, I enjoy reading other peoples blogs and they probably think their lives are unexceptional too.

More thoughts to follow............

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